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Interesting Animal Research Topics
Friday, August 28, 2020
Appraising an organisation’s environment The WritePass Journal
Evaluating an organisation’s domain Presentation Evaluating an organisation’s domain ). The principle extraordinary selling point is ascribed to the way that this association recognizes the incredible intensity of web-based social networking and innovation. This suggests the gathering pledges exercises are kept up by methods for social and intelligent advancements. Furthermore, this association is utilizing revenue driven methodology, which proposes that the raising money exercises create income for (NUSA Official Website, 2012). Point and Objectives The point is distinguished so as to give the rules to the examination proposition (Saunders et al., 2009). The fundamental point of this proposition is to investigate the advantages and inconveniences of the key ecological examining procedures in the key administration setting. The littler destinations include: To differentiation and analyze the natural filtering procedures To recognize the primary natural checking strategy that would be useful with regards to vital arranging and the board To assess long haul ramifications of the picked ecological filtering strategy Method of reasoning There are various strategies accessible for ecological filtering. Natural filtering is respected to be the most significant undertaking preceding key arranging and management.â The picked ecological scanningâ model for the reasons for this examination , depends on the adherence to the principle targets related toâ condition assessment. These destinations incorporate the recognizable proof of the exercises, the assessment of the procedures, the examination of the data sharing procedure and examination of data created. Accordingly, the natural examining model depends on execution of PESTEL investigation, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, Internal Analysis and Consumers (allude to the beneath exhibited model). This procedure depends on the use of both full scale and miniaturized scale natural assessments, specifically PESTEL and SWOT investigation. PESTEL investigation is structured so as to recognize the principle outside powers that may develop and along these lines sway the association (Johnson and Scholes, 2009). These powers, to be specific in the political, financial, social, mechanical, ecological and legitimate spaces, are wild (Johnson and Scholes, 2009). Along these lines, these must be distinguished so as to have the option to react to their rising up out of a vital perspective.â SWOT is a smaller scale level examination, which fills in as an establishment for recognizable proof of things to come openings and dangers for the organization (Ip and Koo, 2004). Deft framework recognizes the fundamental exercises that might be acted according to the distinguished discoveries as far as the conceivable reaction (Ip and Koo, 2004). Porter’s Five Forces, is the key structure, which is used so as to distinguish the seriousness of the association inside the business. This is set up with the assistance of the investigation of the impacts of the principle serious powers, specifically the intensity of purchasers, the intensity of providers, danger of substitutes, danger of new contestants and the level of competition (Porter, 1985). The discoveries exhibit the industry’s powers that are seen to be feeble along these lines might be exploited in the vital setting. At long last, the last phase of the ecological examination intends to research the buyer conduct and the key shopper patterns. It is explicitly centered around the distinguishing proof of the examples of purchaser conduct and shopper needs. It is kept up so as to apply the systems that would influence the expansion of consumer loyalty and further extension of the intended interest group (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). The data sharing procedure depends on the usage of the top down sharing methodology. This suggests the data is moved from the administrative levels to business and useful levels (Anderson, 2007). This empowers brisk promotion encouraged data preparing from the leaders to the individuals from a useful level. Analysis of a Chosen Technique In spite of the viability and extent of the picked procedure, it is as yet dependent upon a specific level of analysis. This suggests this system doesn't consolidate the assessment of the social effects, which would be appropriate, given the idea of the raising support business (Becker, 2001). A PESTEL investigation makes reference to social effects, though Opportunistic network includes assessment of the cultural powers (Correia and Wilson, 2001). Then again, this natural checking structure permits us to assess the organization from the organization’s, industry’s and customer points of view, which adds the profundity to the potential discoveries. Other than that, this model intends to distinguish the key patterns that may develop. As the outcome, in view of the distinguished discoveries, the association may design future procedures that would help because of the potential patterns. Despite the fact that, a PESTEL investigation will in general consolidate the hazard examination, substantially more progressed and inside and out hazard assessment may have been performed by IRGC (Model of Risk Governance) (Petts, 2008). Be that as it may, given the extent of the structure and genuine business, this investigation may have been seen as excessively particular. Porter’s Five Forces, is a valuable model for industry’s examination. In any case, it has been created corresponding to the possibility that contemporary market is great. This isn't correct, in this manner this system neglects to address a few issues that would be pertinent to the blemished market. Strategy It is prescribed to play out the examination based on mix of the optional exploration. The principle sources will be obtained from the scholarly and expert books and diaries, databases , reports and news reports. The optional exploration is respected to be restricted, since the material for it is gathered and dissected at east 1-2 years before distribution. In this way, the sources might be viewed as out of date and obsolete (Saunders et al., 2009). End This paper, structured in the configuration of a proposition, has been delivered so as to distinguish and assess the best natural examining model with regards to key administration. The paper shows the most appropriate natural examining procedure for the altruistic association, to be specific NUSA. This association has practical experience in gathering pledges and is based at Nottingham University. The ecological checking model comprises of four primary stages, to be specific PESTEL investigation, Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT examination and Consumer Evaluation. This examination is respected to be multidimensional subsequently adding profundity to the assessment. In spite of it being a very viable structure, it despite everything has pulled in some analysis. This suggests there is absence of assessment from the social point of view, given the idea of the raising support business. Moreover, bigger center ought to have been applied to the potential dangers assessment. Other than t hat, this structure demonstrates toâ be gainful and powerful from the vital point of view. References Anderson, (2007), â€Å"Social systems and the psychological inspiration to acknowledge arrange openings: an investigation of supervisors data gathering behaviours†,â Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.29,Iss.1, pp.51-78 Becker H. (2001), â€Å"Social Impact Assessment†, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.16, Iss.2, 311-321 Correia, Z. furthermore, Wilson, T.D. (2001), â€Å"Factors inï ¬â€šuencing ecological checking in the hierarchical context†, Information Research, Vol. 7, Iss. 1,  Available at, (Accessed on 21st November, 2012) Ip, Y.K. furthermore, Koo, L.C. (2004), â€Å"BSQ vital detailing system: a half and half of adjusted scorecard, SWOT investigation and quality capacity deployment†, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 19, pp. 533â€543. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. furthermore, Whittington, R., (2009), Fundamentals of Strategy, p.102, London: Prentice Hall Kotler P., Armstrong G., (2010), Principles of Marketing, thirteenth ed., Pearson: USA NUSA Official Website (2012), â€Å"NUSA’s Mamelodi Fundraising Page†, Available: on 2ast November 2012) Petts J., (2008), â€Å"Public commitment to assemble trust: bogus hopes?†, Journal of Risk Research, Vol.11, Iss.6, 811-832 Watchman, M.E., (1985), Competitive Advantage, Free Press: New York Saunders, M.N.K., Lewis, P., and Thornhill, A. (2009), Research Methods for Business Students, fifth ed., Prentice Hall: UK
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Murder Mystery Comedy Plays
Murder Mystery Comedy Plays Crowds love a decent pant initiated by a stunning homicide riddle. They additionally cant get enough of giggling actuated by wacky characters and droll hijinks. Consolidate the two universes and youve got a mainstream type known as the homicide riddle parody. Obviously, on the grounds that you have those fixings doesnt mean the play will really be dramatic, baffling, or even clever. When youve got a lot of dead bodies in front of an audience, the satire will get very dim, so it takes an extraordinary kind of writer to appropriately weave the ghastly with the doltish. Here are a couple of homicide riddle comedies that hit the nail on the head! The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 Composed by John Bishop, this absurd whodunnit doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to uncover the miscreants. Be that as it may, it creates enough pandemonium to leave you speculating about what will occur straightaway. A blizzard infringes upon the bequest of a well off donor, a supporter of expressions of the human experience who has considered together an acclaimed songwriting group, a famous chief, a Broadway maker, and a couple of theater wannabes. They feel that they are pitching the following melodic extravaganzaâ when, truth be told, they have been called so as to find the Stagedoor Slasher, a crazy person (or madwoman) who murdered three chorale young lady artists and could possibly slaughter once more. Toss in some Nazi government agents, cross-dressing sociopaths, and a blundering police investigator, and you have a homicide puzzle satire with a vintage style. The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 is accessible at Dramatists Play Service. (Also, for those of you entertainers who can't sing and additionally move, dont stress. Theres scarcely any music and no movement with the exception of some crazy battle groupings). The Bold, the Young, and the Murdered There must be something naturally interesting about entertainers managing frightening executioners since its a well known subject found in comedic murder secrets, including this one by Don Zolodis. Heres the concise summation gave by the distributers at Playscripts: The long-running drama The Bold and the Young is in its last days: its hunky legend has confidence issues, its contemptible elderly person is progressively inspired by soup, and its courageous women are marginally psychopathic. The official maker gives the quarreling cast a final offer: Complete one scene short-term or the show kicks the bucket. Be that as it may, when the executive winds up killed, and other cast individuals begin dropping like flies, it appears as though his danger may really work out as expected. Can these mavericks find the killer before the show is truly murdered off? The content loans itself pleasantly to secondary school dramatization understudies and expert entertainers the same. Theres something freeing about giving up and pouring on that drama cheesiness. Command for Murder Pat Cook is the ace of sensational comediesâ and can wrench out senseless characters so quick, his PC console must be smoking when hes done. (Tim Kelley woulds be glad!) Most Cook comedies are as amusing as the dramatist is productive. Order for Murder, brought to you by Eldridge Plays, is no special case. Also, its an impact for network theaters to perform, particularly around political decision time. At the point when a political assistant is cut to death and the homicide weapon is a blade pulled from a birthday cake, the wrongdoing settling characters have a great deal of inquiries to pose. In any case, they arent the main ones. The crowd gets the opportunity to cross examine the suspects as well, not just that-before the finish of the night, they get the chance to cast a ballot in the political decision! The Murder Room This comedic jewel by Jack Sharkey brings back a huge amount of secondary school recollections. We invested the same amount of energy taking a shot at the set, with the entirety of its snare entryways and mystery doors, as we did taking a shot at the lines. Like other wacky puzzles, this one highlights a wide assortment of characters (almost every one of them ought to be played with English pronunciations). With the entirety of its mistakes and messed up deaths, before the finish of the play the crowd isnt sure on the off chance that anybody has really been slaughtered off. It additionally gives proper respect to Sleuth in that characters who probably left the storyline return into the play wearing a shrewd mask. The 39 Steps Inventively adjusted from a Hitchcock great, the comic magnum opus The 39 Steps rises above the class. Crowds rave about the constant parody, the incredibly imaginative blocking, and the four adaptable entertainers who play more than one hundred characters. Coordinated by Maria Aitken and adjusted for the phase by Peter Barlow, this absurd tribute to Hitchcock spine chillers has been charming crowds since 2005.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Sentencing Phase in the United States Research Paper
The Sentencing Phase in the United States - Research Paper Example The examination paper The Sentencing Phase in the United States bargains on the condemning period of the criminal equity framework and attempts to talk about a portion of the more pressing issues in regards to this critical stage. The equity framework shapes the third leg of the group of three in the treatment of criminal cases, the other two being law authorization framework and the reformatory or amendments framework. Each of the three must cooperate for corrective approvals to be powerful as an obstacle to the commission of wrongdoings. The wheels of equity can surely crush gradually and now and again it takes a very long time for the casualties to get vindication and equity for the damage done to them. One might say, the worry to be so mindful so as to abstain from punishing the guiltless is the primary driver of this gradualness in the equity framework. No criminal equity framework is great. Nevertheless, it ought not forestall society nor block the legislature from forcing equity for degenerate practices. The thought is that the framework must be outfitted towards reasonableness and fairness; imperfections in the framework can be remedied after some time and should not antagonistically influence the feeling of trust by the individuals that the framework is in reality reasonable. Slips by in the methodology, procedures, and practices must not sabotage the entire legitimate framework. There are a great deal of factors that can bewilder and befuddle the defendants in numerous examples. An individual can quit the criminal equity framework through a supplication deal understanding that will diminish the sentence to be forced and may expose the respondent to probation.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Key to Successful Psychology Thesis
The Key to Successful Psychology Thesis All you have to do is to select the topic that you own a passion for, or that you wish to find out more about. When you have decided what you would like to do, you can narrow it down to a couple topics that actually interest you. The very first step in trying to find a superb dissertation topic on psychology is to dedicate a little time and research for a topic one is acquainted with. When you've finalized the topic for your clinical psychology undertaking, the next thing to do is to begin researching. PhD research takes a subject area to really research and you'll be encouraged to select your topic area very carefully. Thus you will discover a whole lot of interesting topics in the domain too. Once you have succeeded in finalizing a topic, you have to compose your dissertation following a normal format. If you locate an overall research topic interesting, you will most likely wind up asking a wide variety of questions regarding this issue and about the data that you're collecting and analyzing. Psychology Thesis Ideas In summary, a thesis is a thorough overview of the student's work and experience. The theory it supports is college students are lacking knowledge about both the advantages of sleep along with the ways to better their quality of sleep. As an example, many students gain from short freewriting sessions that enable them to think through problems and produce solutions in a stress-free method. There are lots of important learning styles that you are able to describe and then analyze how every one of them helps students improve their grades. Psychology Thesis Explained It's also intersubdisciplinary since it encompasses all the standard subdisciplines of psychology. Clinical psychology is just one of the most well-known subfields within psychology. Forensic psychology is a fairly young area of scholarship. Development psychology is centered on the lifespan of human beings, so you've got quite a few topics to select from. Writing a psychology thesis may be absolutely the most exciting portion of your psychology program. It is the vast research area and you will have to study deeply to write psychology thesis. Psychology and law play a substantial part in postgraduate education and professional improvement. Counseling psychology is just one of many branches of psychology. Here's What I Know About Psychology Thesis The essay isn't as scary as it appears. If you get bored with your topic you're going to find it rather challenging to do your research and write your psy dissertation. You can also find a synopsis of the way to structure your dissertation in section three below. The search for a fantastic topic for your psychology essay can be quite frustrating should you not understand where to begin. Once you've got an idea in mind, the next thing to do is to learn more about the way to run a psychology experiment. To put it differently, it would be a fantastic idea at which you could do some st udy into the subject and produce ideas that throw fresh light about it. Do extensive researches to find out what type of topic will provide you with comfort to explain with much clarity. Carry on reading to learn several topics that you are able to consider. The 30-Second Trick for Psychology Thesis You can concentrate on the effects of the subsequent topics on the nature and development of a young child, adult or elderly. A recent study showed that people who utter self-affirmations might be less inclined to follow a goal as soon as they experience failure. Then the research will explore external aspects that promote resiliency. In conclusion, it has found that many children are born with a natural disposition to overcome obstacles. Writing a wonderful dissertation on educational psychology begins with the collection of an excellent topic. As a result, if you prefer to prepare your psychology thesis papers at the graduation or post graduation degree, you might have to th row focus on specific regions of interest. The thesis has to be adequately supported by the content in the last paper. A thesis that involves just a review of the literature isn't acceptable as a thesis in Psychology, irrespective of how extensive it can be. The Tried and True Method for Psychology Thesis in Step by Step Detail Your PhD research is something which you're likely to be doing for many decades so if you're going to select the best topic you have to make certain you choose something which you're likely to maintain your interest in. What follows, was made to get you considering the early essential stages in the research practice. Your thesis idea ought to be one which can be backed by means of a lot of verified data. You will talk about the notion of the undertaking.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Analysis Of The Story Cathedral By Raymond Carver
The Story â€Å"Cathedral†by Raymond Carver is about true blindness and the effects of emotional contact. Peterson studies the use of determiners, a and the, that refer to the blind man in the story and its effects to establish the atmosphere of the story. He states that the change in determiner seems subtle, but these subtle changes are significant because the changes show how narrator feel about Robert throughout the story. Nesset studies the sexual polices and the love lives in several Carver’s stories. He discusses how Carver wrote his stories based on less of love and more of love withdrawal. Also Facknitz addresses rediscovery of human worth and the effects of emotional touch by discussing three short stories written by Carver. He analyses each narration of the narrator and comments based on psychological manner. The story â€Å"Cathedral†suggests the meaning of true blindness does not only refer to physical disability; it refers to those people who canno t see the world from other’s perspectives and it can be overcome through emotional contact. The story â€Å"Cathedral†by Carver Raymond was published in 1983, when about 11.7 percent of the US population was considered poor by government standards (Aker 45). Tim Akers mentions that around this year, the wages people got from their employers were not sufficient to raise them out of the poverty level (Aker 45). Akers adds that like in the 1980s, Carver experienced poverty even though both he and his wife worked for a living (AkerShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Story Cathedral By Raymond Carver Essay1137 Words  | 5 PagesHannah Artille November 22, 2016 Words: When Three Stories Collide There are three short stories with characters who are very alike. In the short story â€Å"Cathedral†by Raymond Carver, the protagonist, Bub, has an unwanted visitor. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Introduction Of Industrial Revolution And The War Of 1812
Introduction of Industrial Revolution in United States: The Industrial Revolution resulted in a shift from agriculture to industrial factories. In the United States, there were two phases of the Industrial Revolution. The first revolution, which happened between 1776 and 1789, was somewhat similar to Britain s Industrial Revolution and more political. The second phase of the American Industrial Revolution which happened from 1860 to 1900, was not only political but also was the great development of economic and society. The Industrial Revolution first began in North America. This location was very important for the sparking of the revolution because the railroad , which was one of the causes of industrialization, was built here. The Historical Catalysts of Industrial Revolution: †¢ The Embargo Act and the War of 1812: In the early 1800s, the Napoleonic Wars between Britain and France challenged the neutrality of the United States. Britain and France created trade restrictions which was not only peaking others’ economies but also disrupting American trade. Therefore, President Thomas Jefferson decided to announce the Embargo Act of 1807, which supported Americans producing their own goods because it banned the trade of foreign goods. Not long after the Embargo act, the War of 1812 changed the Americans’ thoughts about industrialization. During the War of 1812, Americans wanted Britain to draw their soldiers out of United States and stop supplying guns and ammunitionsShow MoreRelatedIntroduction Of The American Industrial Revolution1467 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction of the American Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution resulted in a shift from agriculture to industrial factories. In the United States, there were two phases of the Industrial Revolution. The first revolution, which happened between 1776 and 1789, was somewhat similar to Britain s Industrial Revolution and more political. The second phase of the American Industrial Revolution, which happened from 1860 to 1900, was not only political but also led to great improvements ofRead MoreThe Slavery Of The Cotton Gin By Eli Whitney1586 Words  | 7 Pagesterritories where they worked the cotton fields. Napoleon and Jefferson’s Louisiana purchase was in correlation with Napoleon’s interest more concerned with European war and economics rather than western states. Toussaint Louverture’s successful Haitian Revolution was one of the factors in Napoleon’s decision. The Haitian Revolution started as the free mixed race citizens rebelled and then slaves seized their opportunity to revolt. T his instilled fear in Americans and a growing concern that AmericanRead MoreThe Philosophy of the American Settlers Westward Expansion Leads to Expulsion of the Native Americans1197 Words  | 5 Pagesarticle Young America, â€Å"†¦a philosophy that led to the expulsion of Native Americans from lands east of the of the Mississippi.†Conflicts with the Indians about land and territorial boundaries arose quickly. New technologies coming from the Industrial Revolution in Europe spurred the American economy and augmented the number of manufacturing plants in the United States. It increased agricultural production efficiency, turning the United States into one of the major players in the world economy. 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The industrial revolution produced new objects, materials, and technology fulfilling many purposes. In 1750 a shift occurred and design became a profession, which resulted in a crossover between design and art. The growth of manufacturing resulted in the rise factories and a shift from an agrarian society to an urban industrial one one. England was a powerful manufacturing state due to natural resources su ch as coal. Following the war of 1812, reduced politicalRead MoreSecuring A Republican Political Economy2159 Words  | 9 PagesTom Brancato History 531E Analytic Essay 1 Securing a Republican Political Economy Introduction American political economy was greatly shaped by the republican ideas of people like Thomas Jefferson. It is sometimes easy to take the simplistic view of a republic to mean the creation of a self-governing group of people. As McCoy points out, â€Å"To men of the eighteenth century the creation of a republic entailed much more than simply replacing a king and hereditary privilege with an elective systemRead MoreA Morsel Of Chocolate Through American History1679 Words  | 7 PagesTo inform my audience how chocolate has been a part of American History. Central Idea: Chocolate has been a part of the United States’ history from the country’s earliest begins, through its expansion and growth, to the modern day America. Introduction: In 2013, the US chocolate sales topped $17 billion dollars. It should not be a surprise that chocolate is a snack that is consumed by a majority of Americans. Chocolate has been a part of our history since America’s birth. From the early settlersRead MoreThe French Indian War And The American Colonization Of North America1326 Words  | 6 Pages(salutary neglect) and they prospered until the French-Indian War (1754-1763). The spirit of independence cultivated in the American colonists during the past era was challenged by the heightened British presence after the French-Indian War. The colonists increasingly resented the high tariffs placed to eliminate British debt and the colonists protested the British until open rebellion was sparked at Lexington and Concord. The Revolutionary War started in 1775, when a small number of colonists, at first
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Auditing and Assurance Actions and Interventions
Question: Discuss about the Auditing and Assurance for Actions and Interventions. Answer: Introduction: In the period of 2008, the entire world faced a crisis due to subprime mortgage that is to lend money to a group of people having difficulty maintaining the repayment schedule. This led to extensive financial and economic reform in the global market. Habib, A., Uddin Bhuiyan et al. (2013) mentioned that the prime reason of global financial crisis is that the majority of the US investors have lost confidence in the value of sub-prime mortgages that eventually caused liquidity crisis in the global market. As a result, it has induced US Federal Bank to inject huge amount of capital into the financial market (Geiger et al. 2013). It has made stock market highly volatile in nature that has made, which has created adverse impact on the confidence level of the investors even further (Mala and Chand 2012). The auditing includes proper evaluation of the financial statements to assess possible future impact on the market. In this report, the focus will be on the evaluation of auditor liability on the financial crisis. The report will focus on highlighting the organizations that faced challenges associated with the bankruptcy to provide a clear idea about the liability of the auditors. For that reason, the report will focus on different prime accounting firms like Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, Chrysler LLC and General Motors to highlight the liability of auditors on global financial crisis. The auditor liability and financial crisis: As per the article by Fratzscher (2012) financial crisis represent a situation, where a nation suddenly loses a significant amount of nominal value that not only results in banking panics but in recession also. Financial crisis can also be considered as an opportunity to rectify certain aspects of present financial system. A salient feature of the 2008 global financial crisis is that it has been developed by the financialisation of USA economy that has created abundance of credit in the market. As a result, it has influenced accounting firms to take excessive risks through several complex financial instruments. Therefore, it is necessary to identify any type of short-term solution solutions to reduce the amount of adverse impact of the global crisis. Now, auditors responsibility is to plan and perform different types of financial statements to provide an idea to counter the problems associated with global financial crisis. Haas and Lelyveld (2014) portrays that liability of financial auditors is related to the process through which it requires adjustments or corrections to be made on the financial statements. Therefore, auditors need to adopt several corresponding adjustments in the financial statements in an appropriate manner. Thus, it highlights the fact that auditors have direct liability regarding the compliance with reporting of accounts. In 2008, housing market in USA suffered significantly, as several sub-prime owners who have opted for sub-prime loans have identified that they were not able to meet their required mortgage repayment (Geiger et al. 2013). Many studies have highlighted that the value of homes have dropped in a significant manner that are creating negative equity for the borrowers. As a result, huge numbers of home loan borrowers have defaulted on loans, which were influenced financial institutions to repossess all the lands and houses. It has directly increased the liquidity crisis issues that banks have to face at that point of time. This sub-prime lending bubble bursts are commonly referred as credit crunch (Krishnan and Zhang 2014). The collapse of housing loans in the USA market is primarily referred to as the trigger for the financial crisis. For that reason, many studies have highlighted the significance of better regulations in the financial systems to handle such type of issues in an appropria te manner. Specifically, 2008 financial crisis has highlighted the fact that rules and regulation had to be implemented in the financial system to discourage any type of unscrupulous lending in an effective way. As per the article by Erkens, Hung and Matos (2012), prime reason for the financial crisis in the home loan market is that the auditors have neglected the unstructured lending procedure. As a result, it has helped different financial organizations to focus on utilizing unstructured lending procedure. Furthermore, auditors have faced huge amount of criticism related to independence of audits, as they seeks for their self-interest. Dimitriou, Kenourgios and Simos (2013) have highlighted the fact that auditors responsibilities are significantly augmented at the time of global financial crisis. The dominance of biggest four auditors Ernst Young, KPMG, PWC and Deloitte have increased the probability of restricted competition and choice in the global market. The auditors had to pass judgement on some of the practices, which caused the huge losses that lead to government bailouts. However, Cukierman (2013) have highlighted that the auditors were not involved in many of the prime causes of the crisis that includes investing decisions, bad lending, flaws in credit-rating system and lack of understanding of risks. Thus, it highlights the fact that auditors are not responsible for the dumb business moves of the business entities. In fact, auditors just make sure that the moves are not disclosed properly. It has been assessed that accounting firms were at the heart of the 2008 financial crisis. As a result, it has also created massive impact on the relationship between organizations and their auditors. In fact, the financial crisis in 2008 has induced organizations to audit the financial statement to prevent any type of errors or fraud cases in an appropriate way. As per the article by Taylor (2013), each big auditing firm had clients that needed lot of government bailouts or blew up or questionable practices at the time of crisis. Therefore, auditing firms has to face different types of pressure at the time of suggesting the right path for clients. Furthermore, auditing standards also needs auditors to perform all the responsibilities of auditing procedure designed to achieve proper audience evidence so that it can fulfil all the requirements in an appropriate manner. Impact of global financial crisis on prime accounting firms: As mentioned earlier, 2008 global financial crisis has their prime impacts on several accounting firms. Different accounting firms have struggled to maintain their profit at the expected level for countering the adverse impact of financial crisis in an effective way. Organizations like General Motors, Washington Mutual and Chrysler LLC has faced huge amount of challenges to sustain its position in the market (Antonia Garca-Benau, Sierra-Garcia and Zorio 2013). However, the adverse impact of 2008 financial crisis has its maximum effect on Lehman Brothers, as it had to dissolve from the market. The details of the global financial crisis impact are provided as follows: Impact of financial crisis on Lehman Brothers: Lehman Brothers was a global financial services provider that has been declared bankrupt in 2008 due to financial crisis. The organization was considered as the fourth largest investment bank in USA. As the organization prospered over the decades in the US economy, it has become an international powerhouse. However, Lehman Brothers has to face different types of challenges in order to conducting the business in an appropriate manner. In the year of 2004, housing market in USA has seen boom or bubble in a significant manner (Baxter et al. 2013). As a result, Lehman Brothers have acquired five mortgage lenders namely Aurora loan services and BNC Mortgage that are specialized in providing loans for the housing market. The acquisition strategy of Lehman Brothers have initially provided huge amount of revenues in the capital market. As a result, Lehman Brothers have grown comparatively faster than any other asset management or investment banking organizations. In 2006, Lehman Brother has mortgaged around $146 billion, which is around 10% higher than the previous year. However, during the period of 2005 to 2007, Lehman Brothers have maintained consistent profit level (Sikka 2015). However, as the credit crisis has happened in the market, two Bear Stearns hedge funds has failed very badly. As a result, Lehman Brothers stock has felt very sharply, which has induced organization to eliminate around 2500 mortgage related jobs. Furthermore, it also has induced Lehman Brothers to shut down its BNC unit. As per the article by Chodorow-Reich (2014) Lehman Brothers have underwrote more mortgage backed securities compared to any other organization, accumulating around $85 billion portfolio, which four time more of its shareholders equity. During the last quarter of 2007, global market equity has reached new highs that have temporarily rebound the entire fixed income assets. As per the article by Bengtsson (2013) high degree of leverage and huge amount of portfolio mortgage securities has made businesses of Lehman Brothers increasingly vulnerable. After the collapse of Bear Stearns, the share value of Lehman Brothers have fell around 48%, which has unstable the business the entire business procedure. However, Lehman Brother has issued preferred stock to recover around $4 billion through the market. Haldane (2013) has mentioned that Lehman Brothers have made several unsuccessful overtures to the different potential partners. The Stock level fall around 77% in the first week of September 2008, that has induced organizations towards the dissolve situation. Thus, the bottom line is that the collapse of Lehman Brothers has continued for weeks in the financial market (Habib, Uddin Bhuiyan and Islam 2013). It highlighted the fact that auditors of the organization has able to provide very little clue regarding the future challenges of utilizing unstructured lending process. Impact of financial crisis on other prime accounting firms: As per the article by Xu et al. (2013) Lehman Brothers is not the only accounting firm that has affected by the global financial crisis. In fact, it has created adverse impact on almost all the top accounting firms in a major way. For instance, Washington Mutual along with all its subsidiaries has to face bankruptcy on September 26, 2008. The organization has been delisted from the trading of New York stock exchange immediately. Washington Mutual has able to sustain just one more week compared to Lehman Brothers are global financial crisis has changed the business environment. Thus, it has highlighted the fact that the auditors have not performed all their responsibilities in an appropriate way. Many studies have highlighted accounting inadequacies and problems as the prime issue for the two prime accounting firm dissolved process (Dias et al. 2016). The failure of auditing industry to highlight the banking crisis is regarded as one of the prime reasons of financial crisis happens in 2008. For instance, Lehman Brothers auditor Ernst and Young was very much aware about the Repo 105 practice but has not questioned Lehmans failure to disclose publicly. Similarly, PWC and AIG auditor also has practiced similar type of strategies that eventually increases the magnitude of global financial crisis. As a result, the entire risk management procedure of auditors during the risk management procedure has been questioned in a significant manner. Geiger, Raghunandan and Riccardi (2013) have mentioned that it is not right to blame auditors only regarding the occurrence of global financial crisis. Furthermore, the global crisis has created new challenges for the auditors like indefinite-lived intangible assets, recorded values of goodwill and other long-lived assets at the time of financial crisis. For that reason, it has become necessary for the auditors to test client organizations decision regarding the measurement and timing of specific items to avoid any type of failure to detect misstatements of materials properly. Due to the significance of global financial crisis, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has tried to evaluate all the audit risk areas affected by financial and economical crisis so that it can reduce the adverse impact of financial crisis in an appropriate way. As per the article by Kakabadse et al. (2013) several macroeconomic factors like low inflation, low interest rate, high risk taking and growing imbalance have played major role in financial crisis occurred in 2008. Thus, it has been assessed the auditors have not able to measure all these factors in an appropriate way. For that reason, financial institutions or investment banks have unable to get any idea regarding the possible future challenges. In fact, organizations like Lehman brother, general Motors and Washington Mutual are actually focusing on to invest more or taking on more market risks to gain competitive advantage in the market (Liu, Uchida and Yang 2012). The initiated high-risk strategies of these organizations have provided huge amount of profits at the initial stages. For that reason, these organizations have felt that the market is growing in a huge way. Thus, they have failed to identify the bubble burst impact completely, which can be described as the failure of the auditors. Recommendations: The above discussion has highlighted the fact that auditors have failed to fulfil all their responsibilities in an appropriate manner, which has increases the magnitude of financial crisis. Therefore, it has become necessary for the auditors to focus on the development of specific strategy for the clients so that they do not have to face such consequences in future. For instance, all the auditors need to be prohibited from any type of tax advisory services, internal audit and advice to the risk committee. Furthermore, the financial crisis in 2008 has highlighted the fact that presence of only four major players in the auditing industry has increases the probability of improper utilization of financial statements, which has increased the probability of financial crisis. Therefore, it is necessary for the global economy to provide opportunity to the small or medium auditing firms to balance demand and supply side in an effective way. Therefore, it will reduce the amount of risk associa ted with the audit concentration process. Thus, development of competitive market in the auditing industry can be beneficial. Auditors can opt for providing accurate information to local communal for three prong strategies that are- easy credit and cheaper dollars, lower interest and lower taxes. It s evident that as soon as the dollars become cheap, housing sector started purchasing estates and other products that on the other hand enhances the recruitment in many sectors like in construction industry for formulating buildings. Auditors are also liable for overseeing a company's internal controls in order to prevent misstatements or fraud. In the given scenario, it might be the case that the auditors do not inform the banking companies whether they had sufficient internal controls regarding giving loans to communal. Thus, auditors are recommended to remain unbiased and share all the crucial information realted to internal monetary controls according to the economy of the nation. Conclusion: mAfter the evaluation of the scale of the global financial crisis and its impact on the taxpayers in different countries, the role of the accountants and auditors should be questioned. The 2008 global financial crisis has highlighted the fact that auditors have not performed their responsibilities at the desired level, which has caused billions of assets in the global economy. Despite that, not a single business unit has argued that audit itself is an unnecessary process for the larger companies. An example of the impact of the financial crisis is seen on Lehman Brothers, who struggled to maintain their profit at the expected level. The challenges from the financial crisis are that several organizational had to face difficulty in sustaining their position and some of them had to dissolve from the market. It is also concluded form the assignment that Lehman Brothers acquired five mortgage lenders and some of the lenders like BNC unit performed poorly that results in complete shutdown of the unit and falling of the share value. In fact, ACCA believe that role of auditors is going to increase further after the occurrence of global financial crisis. It highlighted the fact that auditors need to play significant role in developing trust regarding the financial statement of the organizations so that investors can invest larger amount in an appropriate manner. For that reason, competition level in the auditing industry needs to be extended to a certain level so that all the business entities feel the importance of highlighting the actual picture in front of public. References: Antonia Garca-Benau, M., Sierra-Garcia, L. and Zorio, A., 2013. Financial crisis impact on sustainability reporting.Management decision,51(7), pp.1528-1542. Baxter, R., Bedard, J.C., Hoitash, R. and Yezegel, A., 2013. Enterprise risk management program quality: Determinants, value relevance, and the financial crisis.Contemporary Accounting Research,30(4), pp.1264-1295. Bengtsson, E., 2013. Shadow banking and financial stability: European money market funds in the global financial crisis.Journal of International Money and Finance,32, pp.579-594. 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